
山西自考网 发布时间:2012年09月27日

 9. in private not publicly secretly 私下。


  Such a thing is best discussed in private. 这种事情最好私下讨论。

  He can be very rube in private though he is usually polite in public. 他私下可能很粗鲁,但在大众


  10. Taboo adj. 忌讳的, 禁止的。

  如: This topic is taboo on the campus. 校园里忌讳讨论这个话题。

  11. A. prolong cause sth. to continue longer 延长。

  如: I have to prolong my stay here for another three days. 我必须在这里继续呆三天

  You should not have prolonged the ceremony. 你本不该延长仪式的时间。

  B. throes agony 痛苦。

  如; in death throes 处于临终痛苦。

  12. hold out continue to last 坚持,挺住。

  如: Can you hold out much longer 你能再坚持一段时间吗

  13. administer to apple as a remedy 施用。

  如: administer laws 执行法律。

  The doctor administered some me medicine to the girl. 医生给女孩施用了一些药。

  14. comply with act in accordance with wishes requirements or conditions 遵守(意愿,要求或条


  如; You ought to comply with the rules /the demands/ the law/ the requests.


  15. pose danger 造成危险。

  Pose cause sth. to exist 导致产生。


  pose problems 引起问题。

  16. by contrast 相比之下。

  By contrast his brother is quite easygoing. 相比之下,他的兄弟比较好相处。

  17. usher in herald 预报,宣告。

  如; usher in a new age of prosperity 宣告新的繁荣时期的到来。

  The rising sun ushered in a new day. 太阳的升起宣告新的一天开始了。

  The cuckoo ushered in spring. 布谷鸟宣布春天到来。

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Lesson Five I'd rather be black than female

  1. I'd rather …… than prefer…… to……

  如: I'd rather deal with a simple man than a sophisticated man.


  I had rather never have been born than see this day of humiliation.


  I would had rather …… 但愿 +that 从句中用过去式)。

  如: I would rather he didn't tell her about it.


  I had rather you did it alone.


  2. Handicap 1 any disadvantage that makes success more difficult. 不利的因素。

  如: Bad health is a handicap. 身体不好是不利因素。

  His lack of English is a great handicap to him. 他不懂英语对他是一大缺陷。

  2 a physical or mental disability 残疾。

  如: Blindness is a great handicap.眼瞎是一大残疾。

  3. at once at the same time simultaneously 同时。

  如: It's hard for one to do two things at once. 人很难同时做两件事。

  4. eliminate get rid of remove 消除。

  如: to eliminate poverty 根除贫穷; eliminate the prejudice 消除偏见。

  5. brainwash 洗脑。

  如: Don't let television commercials brainwash you into buying anything you actually don't need.


  6. invariably always 常常,总是。

  如: It's invariably wet when they take their holidays. 他们度假时总是下雨。

  His intuition is invariably correct. 他的直觉总是对的。